Teleglitch Wiki

Secret rooms are small areas which contain valuable items. These rooms are hidden behind make-shift walls which can be removed by shooting them down or using an explosive. Shooting the wall is recommended however as explosives are valuable. They usually contain useful items - exotic explosives such as Canguns or Meat-Traps, or in later levels more esoteric crafting equipment, such as Motors and Mchips.

Finding a Secret Room[]

Crack in Wall

Secret room entrance.

The best way to find a secret room is to walk next to walls. As shown in the picture to the right, a crack becomes visible where the wall is penetrable. This is a secret room. Another way to find secret room is to open your mini-map then spot out if some of the walls look thinner than all the other walls

In some cases, a crack may not be visible in the wall. If in doubt, check your map - it will show the destructible wall thinner than others.

Be just as cautious in a secret area as you would be anywhere else - although it is very rare to find a roaming enemy in a secret area, you can trigger ambushes from pipes.

Note: Don't be fooled by corridors that are blocked by boxes, they do not lead to secret rooms most of the time. If you look carefully you will notice that a box may look different or you can peer past the boxes, then it is mostly likely a secret room.

Best way to break the wall[]

Don't use your precious RDX explosives, instead use your AGL. In the new Teleglitch patch 9.3 it seems that Nailguns (and, in later stages of the game, Shotguns) are a way more efficient way to break the walls. 2-3 shots is enough, The AGL have been nerfed with respect to walls.