In Teleglitch, in addition to crafting and upgrading numerous weapons, you can also create valuable equipment to aid you in your journey through the Medusa 1-C facility. These can range from small motion scanners to mechanical improvement to your run speed, etc. Some are essential to survival but they take up precious inventory space, so it's not always possible, or advised, to create everything. Note: This page only lists items and weapons that are possible to craft or used in crafting recipes. For the full list, see the corresponding pages.
Medicinal (Blue)[]
Medicinal items replenish your health (or in the case of the stimulant, temporily improves your speed).
Canned Meat[]
- "A container of preserved food. Tastes like cardboard and stays edible for 200 years."
- Restores 10 health and spawns an Empty Can in your inventory. Can be carried in stacks up to 4. Found throughout the game and are sometimes dropped by Zombies (types 1 and 2). Can boost your health over the normal limit of 100, up to 150.
Medkit 25[]
- "Universal tissue regeneration system."
- Restores 25 health, up to a max of 100. Found throughout the game, often in secret areas or storage containers. Can stack up to 3. Casn be used to craft Stimulants and Teleports. To avoid wasted healing, only use when health is 75 or less.
Medkit 50[]
- "Universal tissue regeneration system+. Smells like mint."
- Same function as Medkit 25, but instead heals 50 hit points. Can stack up to 2. Can be used to craft Teleports. To avoid wasted healing, only use when health is 50 or less.
- Craft:
Medkit25 + RDX-250
- "Stimulants, painkillers and explosives in one pill. Makes you faster and produces pleasant side effects."
- Boosts the player's run speed by about 50%, and lasts for about a minute. This haste effect stacks with that provided by powerlegs. Most useful for dodging fire during boss fights. Causes a shaky and blurry camera while active. Does not stack. Does not heal the player.
Utility (Yellow)[]
Utility items provide bonuses that are active as long as the item is in your inventory. They can give you an edge in combat or make your character faster and stronger. Note: Although useful, none of these items will turn your character into a tank. Proceed with the same level of caution.
- Craft:
MChip + Tube
- "Detects enemy movement in tight, pipe-shaped spaces. Works automatically."
- Causes the screen to display a dashed ring at the edge of the spawn radius of spawn pipes; the ring is only visible when standing a short range from the edge of the spawn radius. Also displays the vision cone of security cameras. Useful to avoid pipes that will spawn a horde of Zombies (brown pipe) or Swarm bots (grey pipe). Always active once obtained.
- Note: While Zombies can rarely drop Canned Meat, Swarm bots never drop items. Therefore it is recommended to avoid marked grey pipes when possible.
EM Detector[]
- Craft:
Detector + 2x MChip + Tube
- "Detects micro changes in background electromagnetic noise and shows the location of nearby opponents."
- An upgraded detector which can now locate any enemies. In addition to the functions of the regular detector, out-of-sight enemies are marked with a flashing white circle, but only within a certain radius of the mouse pointer. An essential item that will save you from many ambushes and help you set up your own.
- Craft:
Magnet + 2x MChip + Plate
- "A magnetic shield that deflects bullets as they approach."
- Deflects incoming bullets. Saves lots of abuse in the late game, but does not protect against lasers, electricity, explosions, or melee attacks. Since it requires the only Magnet to be found in the game, you must choose between this and the Railgun.
- Craft:
MChip + 2x Tube + Motor
- "Powered leg supports that increase your speed."
- A mechanical augmentation that increases your move speed by about 50%. Effect stacks with that of stimulants, but not itself (i.e. there is no added benefit for having more than one powerlegs). Available as random starting gear. Very useful endgame item. Never randomly found; must be crafted. One of only two craft uses for the Motor, with the other being the Minigun. Drastically increases your survivability by letting you outmaneuver enemy fire and outrun any enemy.
- Craft:
MChip + Taser
- "A sharpened plate of metal connected to an electric generator that delivers deadly shocks with each strike."
- A combat knife and taser rolled into one. Doubles your melee damage, and produces a nice zap sound when it connects. Does not consume ammo. Available as random starting gear. With a shockblade you can kill early enemies (e.g. zombies, mutants) in 1 hit, so you don't need to worry about hitting them and then them damaging you before you finish them off. Useful if you feel confident in kiting zombies for precious Canned Meat without wasting ammo.
- Craft: 2x MChip + either (medkit50 or 2x medkit25) "Emergency teleporter. Teleports you to starting position just before death and repairs some brain damage as well."
- A short range teleporter combined with healing nanobots and threat detection system. Activates when the player dies, teleporting the player to the level start (or a special side chamber during boss fights), and setting health to 50. Cannot be used manually. Does not stack.
- Essentially an extra life. Having more than one in your inventory grants no immediate benefit. Therefore, it is most useful to leave extras at the level start, and pick one up if you get respawned. The only exception is during boss fights, where you teleport to the special respawn room; therefore take any extras with you into the fight. Note that if you get killed at/near the level start, you will just respawn in the middle of the enemies that just killed you. Since you cannot use them manually, there is no benefit to making more than one at a time, as it requires Medkits you can otherwise use on demand.
Components (Green)[]
These items are used for creating or upgrading weapons and utility items; they have no use on their own. They drop throughout the game and it's up to the player to decide what scrap they want to take with them - knowing your scrap will help you decide which items are valuable enough to warrant making room for in your inventory.
- Craft:
2x Plate
- "A steel vest, offers solid protection from enemy projectiles only."
- Absorbs a large percentage of damage (except from armor piercing attacks such as electricity or lasers). When crafted, adds 50 points to armor, up to a max of 100. Does not take up inventory space. Somewhat wasteful to create in early levels, since most early enemies deal little damage (e.g. most zombies deal 1-2), but will still chew up your armor. Essential for survival from the mid levels onward, as even a basic guard with a pistol can waste an unarmored player at full health in as few as 2-3 hits.
Note: An outlier in the green items category, since it's not a component by itself. Unlike the main game, where crafting Armor instantly adds armor points to your total, in arena mode you can have Armor as an inventory item and use it on demand, similar to a medkit.
Empty Can[]
- Used for:
Plate, MG-3200DRM, Cangun, Pzfaust, Pzfaust AP, Cannon ammo
- "Empty can."
- Left over after eating Canned Meat. Stacks up to four. Commonly used for crafting either Plates (to make into Armor) or Cannon ammo if the player chooses to go for the Cannon. One Can is required to build MG3200-DRM, a versatile mid-to-late game weapon.
- Used for:
Autopistol, SMG, Cannon, Heavy Revolver, MG-3200DRM, MG-HV, Nailgun1, Railgun, Shotgun x2, Tesla Coil
- "A box full of random metal junk. Looks very useful..."
- This item is a requirement for almost all weapon upgrades. Does not stack. Generally good to take with you, but useless in late game after you have upgraded your weapons.
- Used for:
Magshield, Railgun
- "An industrial strength heavy magnet."
Only one is found in the game (on level 7), forcing the player to choose between Magshield and Railgun. Since Railgun requires a Large Tube as well, endgame players can eventually end up with either Magshield and Cannon, or Railgun and Heavy Revolver.
Microchip (MChip)[]
- Programmable 8-bit microprocessor.
- Used for:
Detector, EM Detector, Magshield, Powerlegs, Shockblade, Teleport, Tesla Coil, LasgunMod, Railgun, Meat Trap
- The MChip is a component for much utility item crafting. It is also used to craft and upgrade battery-powered weapons.
- Used for:
Powerlegs, Minigun
- "Includes small fusion power source, 2kW."
- 'A rare item with only one guaranteed in game. Rarely dropped by War Walkers. Only used in Powerlegs and Minigun - if you have both already, discard any extra motors.
- A box of 50x7.0mm nails. Sharp.
- Used for:
Cangun, Nailbomb, Nailammo
Commonly used to make ammo for the Nailgun and occasionally Canguns in late game, where armored enemies become resistant to nail projectiles.
Craft: 6x Empty Can
Used for: Armor, Magshield
- A steel plate used to make Armor. They start appearing around Area 3 and become common in later levels.
Note: If you're going for the Cannon, use Empty Cans to make cannon ammo instead of plates.
- Used for:
Detector, EM Detector, Powerlegs, SMG, AGL-3, Nailgun1/2/3/4/5
- "A long metal tube."
- Tubes are fairly common and are used for a wide range of weapon upgrades and utility items. It is advisable to save your first two Tubes for an EM Detector.
Large Tube[]
- Used for:
MG-HV (not recommended), Heavy Revolver, Railgun, Cannon
- "A long and fat metal tube."
- A rare item with only two found in game. Used to craft heavy weaponry. Players are forced to choose between crafting either a Cannon (two Large Tubes) or a Heavy Revolver and a Railgun (one Large Tube each). Using it for MG-HV is wasteful as it has an alternative recipe requiring only hardware.
Weapons (White Items)[]
2x Rifle[]
- Craft:
2x Heavy Rifle
- A useful upgrade that doesn't require any rare items. Fires both barrels simultaneously, and is very effective against larger single targets. The magazine capacity is doubled. However, spread is increased, so the second bullet misses the target ~50% of the time. Armor penetration is slightly raised from the single-barrel variant (
0.7 → 0.8
). Can only be reloaded with an even amount of ammo, otherwise 1 bullet will be left in reserve.
6T Revolver[]
- Craft:
Revolver + Shotgun
- This modification adapts the revolver to fire all six rounds at once, making it highly effective against larger single targets (e.g. war walkers, if your are willing to get that close). Must be reloaded after each salvo. Suffers the same drawback as the regular revolver (i.e. rare ammo).
- Craft:
Pistol + Hardware
- This weapon uses standard 9mm rounds, and fires in fully-automatic mode. It is devastatingly effective at short to medium range, having fair accuracy. It is hampered by its small magazine capacity, and scarcity of ammo in later levels. Consumes lots of ammo; bullets are better saved for the SMG (which has a larger clip, lower spread, and higher armor penetration), a weapon frequently dropped by Scientists.
- Craft:
Autopistol + Hardware + Tube
- Has improved accuracy over the Autopistol and better armor penetration than other 9mm weapons (
0.2 → 0.35
). Has a 40 round magazine. - Note: all 9mm-based weapons have a higher per bullet damage than the standard MG weapons, but have lower armor penetration.
Craft: AGL-1 + 2x Tube
2x AGL-1 + Tube
Craft: 9mm Pistol + Hardware + 2x Large Tube
Ammo: Empty Can + RDX-250
Heavy Revolver[]
- Craft:
Revolver + Hardware + Large Tube
- This modification adapts the Revolver to use rifle ammo, improving its accuracy, effective range, and stopping power. Does the same damage as the Heavy Rifle with a higher rate of fire but suffers larger spread; it can do stupid amounts of damage if you are close enough to your target to reliably hit with all six shots in the magazine. However, since it requires a Large Tube, you cannot craft both this and the Cannon.
- Craft:
Lasgun + MChip
- Quadruples the magazine capacity of the Lasgun (to 40, from 10), allowing you to sustain the beam longer before reloading. However, also lets you waste more ammo if you have poor trigger discipline. Higher DPS and ammo efficiency than Taser and Tesla Coil. Ignores armor, as all battery-powered weaponry. A cheap and useful upgrade.
- Craft:
MG-3200 + Hardware + Empty Can
- A drum magazine upgrade that triples the ammo capacity of the MG-3200 (from 30 to 90) as well as halves the spread. This weapon is your work horse during the mid-to-late levels. Fire short controlled bursts to conserve ammo.
Craft: Rifle-HV + Hardware
MG-3200 + Hardware + Large Tube (not recommended)
- Craft:
4x MG-3200 + Motor
- A machinegun with rotary barrels holding 136 rounds per magazine. Uses the same ammo type as MG-3200. Enormous rate of fire leads to huge damage output, but accuracy suffers due to the large spread, and more bullets tend to veer off target. Competes with Powerlegs for the Motor.
- Note: A secret room in Area 6 or 6b always contains four MG-3200 guns. A motor is a guaranteed drop in Area 8 or 8b; motors are also a rare drop from war walkers. A minigun always drops in Area 10.
Craft: 9mm Pistol + Hardware + Tube
Ammo: Nailbox + RDX-250
2х Nailbox + RDX-500
- Craft:
Nailgun (previous tier) + Tube
- Adds extra barrels onto your Nailgun. Each upgrade will fire one additional nail per trigger pull. Magazine capacity is unchanged.
TriNailgun (standard version only)[]
- Craft:
Nailgun + Large Tube
This weapon was replaced by the above +1 system in the Die More Edition, and is only available in the standard version of the game.
- Craft:
Hardware + MChip + Large Tube + Magnet
- An impressive weapon with perfect accuracy, instant projectile travel time and obscene damage, as well as quick reload. Uses 15 batteries per magazine, which it consumes in a single shot. Will kill most enemies in one hit.
- Note: Since there's only one Magnet and two Large Tubes in the game, crafting this will lock you out of both the Cannon and the Magshield.
Shotgun X2[]
- Craft:
2x Shotgun + Hardware
- This upgrade drastically reduces pellet spread, doubles the magazine size and nearly doubles the rate of fire for the Shotgun. However, having the lowest armor penetration of all weapons (
makes it ineffective against late-game enemies.
Tesla Coil[]
- Craft:
Taser + Tube + MChip + Hardware
- A ranged version of the Taser, its arcs will auto-seek enemies near the cursor. Simply click on the horde and watch it disappear. Higher damage per unit of ammo than the taser or self-defense credit card, but lower than the Lasgun. Has perfect armor penetration (like all energy weapons). Destroys Swarmbots instantly.
Explosives (Red)[]
Meat Trap[]
Panzerfaust (Pzfaust)[]
Panzerfaust Armor Piercing (Pzfaust AP)[]
All Possible Crafts (DME)[]
agl-3 | tube, agl, agl |
agl-3 | tube, tube, agl |
pzfaust ap | rdx_500, empty can, empty can, empty can |
armor | plate, plate |
autopstl | hardware, 9mmpstl |
mg-3200drm | hardware, mg-3200, empty can |
mg-hv | largetube, hardware, mg-3200 |
mg-hv | hardware, rifle-hv |
magshield | magnet, mchip, mchip, plate |
cangun | rdx_500, nailbox, empty can |
cannon | largetube, largetube, hardware, 9mmpstl |
cannonammo | empty can, rdx_250 |
EM detector | detector, tube, mchip, mchip |
detector | tube, mchip |
hvy revolver | revolver, largetube, hardware |
lasgunmod | lasgun, mchip |
meattrap | cannedmeat, mchip, rdx_500 |
plate | empty can, empty can, empty can, empty can, empty can, empty can |
minigun | motor, mg-3200, mg-3200, mg-3200, mg-3200 |
nailammo | rdx_500, nailbox, nailbox |
nailammo | rdx_250, nailbox |
nailbomb | rdx_500, nailbox |
nailgun2 | nailgun, tube |
nailgun3 | nailgun2, tube |
nailgun4 | nailgun3, tube |
nailgun5 | nailgun4, tube |
nailgun | 9mmpstl, tube, hardware |
shockblade | mchip, taser |
powerlegs | mchip, tube, tube, motor |
shotgunx2 | shotgun, shotgun, hardware |
railgun | magnet, mchip, largetube, hardware |
6t revover | revolver, shotgun |
2xrifle | rifle, rifle |
pzfaust | empty can, empty can, rdx_500 |
smg | autopstl, hardware, tube |
stimulant | medkit25, rdx_250 |
teleport | mchip, mchip, medkit50 |
teleport | mchip, mchip, medkit25, medkit25 |
teslacoil | taser, tube, mchip, hardware |
rdx_500 | rdx_250, rdx_250 |